Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why do I love the tango?

Is it the heat?
Is it the passion?
Is it the fact that it was born in brothels, by men idling their time while the women washed up between clients?
Is that it is so unabashedly, openly, brazenly sexual? But with room for maturity, seduction, boundaried abandon, dignity? A distinctly adult manifestation of sexuality.
Tango, for me, conjures a strange nostalgia for a past I never had, associating myself to a culture I do not share. At it's best, tango evokes in me a physical longing for something I am trying to either learn if I've never known it, or, if I knew it once, remember.
Barry would like to chime in here-- Old guys rule in tango...
(Top three photos taken by Daniel Flores, a local photographer. Check him out at www.fotos2X4tango.com.ar. The older couple: http://www.tangoaffair.com/tango photos.htm. The last image I got at http://kevinmullaney.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/tango.jpg.)

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