Thursday, January 27, 2011

One big reason Argentina is not awesome

Argentina, like just about everywhere else on the planet, is experiencing real problems, and societal pressures and inequities are feeling a lot sharper than they did four years ago-- no surprise there, I'm sure.

The big, big worry, and the word on everyone's lips, is "inflation," with the much dreaded prefix "hyper" whispered with a shudder.

"Official" annual inflation is somewhere around 12%, but everyone knows it's something a whole lot more like 25-30%, with spot spikes in food prices going up as much as 15% in a week here and there, hitting the poor the hardest, wouldn't you know.

These slick, sophisticated posters are up all over town.
"The Argentinian Table-- Today: Bread. Why is it more and more expensive every day?"
And then, "With this governance, who gains?"

You can feel the storm brewing...

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